Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Unconditional Love

I love how when I'm sick or having a bad day, all it takes is a kitten lick right on the nose to make it all better.  A lot of people don't understand how I live with a dog and 6 cats all in the house.  I have a very busy hectic household but I love every min of it. Cats running everywhere, my pooch trying to eat whatever scrap of food my daughter is holding and me trying to not trip over all of them while carrying a load of laundry through the house. I think if you have pets you understand how empty your house would feel without them.  Now don't get my words twisted, I'm not a hoarder nor does my house smell like animals. All my babies are spoiled and taken care of. They are fixed and have their shots, so don't take the amount of pets I have the wrong way please. I'm not adding anymore either so don't ask that either lol!  I think its amazing how no matter how crappy someone treats an animal, it still considers that person its master.  They trust completely, love unconditionally and all they want in return is the same.  If someone doesn't get how a pet is part of the family, they obviously have never felt the true love that a pet offers. Then again, would that type of person really deserve it? Probably not.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I wont quit the fight

If you are an animal lover then you know the rage that comes when you see someone maliciously throwing animal cruelty in your face. I know some hackers like this. They are Tory Haxxin Llou and Jaime Westminster Card (and various other names). They think that they can bully me into shutting my mouth about their actions. They also like to steal and post pictures of peoples children on porn sites and dead baby pages in order to harass the family members. I dont support animal cruelty or child abuse in any form and I wont stop telling everyone I know about these low lifes so that hopefully they will be put behind bars. Protect yourself from people like this by screening anyone and everyone, Double checking affiliations on pages like facebook and myspace and dont let your guard down about the scum that roams this earth. I wont stop and I wont keep quiet. You can look up these losers on facebook if you would like to put a face to the name.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cat killer on the loose!!!! PLEASE READ!

There is a wanna be man named Jaime Ferrero and he is on facebook and on blogger with pictures of him holding up dead cats and he can be googled to see more info but I'm posting this as a heads up to all of the pet lovers and all of my followers. He is threatening to smear my name over the web because I have had some choice things to say to him about his actions. This is the only thing he is capable of and no matter what he says to anyone, it is a lie. I love animals with a true passion and I will never stop fighting to put people like him behind bars. If he posts anything that you are unsure of, please feel free to call or email me and talk with me and I can reassure you you will see for yourself that hes just a lonely person that has nothing else better to do than to smear my good name. Besides, what kind of person can he be if hes getting kicks from killing cats? I wont keep my mouth shut, and I wont back down, he cannot silence me and I will make sure the world knows who he is and that something is done to make sure he is prosecuted. Thank you to my loyal customers and friends! I love yall!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Dont Forget Your Furbabies

Well its that time again, time for pumpkins, turkeys, and time for giving and receiving and seeing family that you might not see on a regular basis. While you are out shopping this season, don't forget your furbabies at home, stop by your local pet store for your babies favorite treats and toys or if you are in the UK, get online and order your fav toys, treats, meds and foods right to your door from www.pet-supermarket.co.uk. They carry all the brands you trust such as Frontline for cats http://www.pet-supermarket.co.uk/products-Merial-Frontline-Spot-On-Cats-Kittens_CN129001.htm as well as the rest of the supplies you need for your cat or dog. . They also have supplies for your fav snake, horse or bird in your life.   I know my babies stockings will be full this year, make sure you remember yours as well. Happy Holidays!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

So Happy!

Just stopping by really quick to thank all of my wonderful pet sitting clients for helping make my dream come true!!! I truly love sitting for each and every one of you!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Buddy and Idgy

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Buddy and Idgy camping

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Buddy in my pocket

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Gettin Bigger

Well, time is passing and my little miracle babies are growing and getting thier own personalities. It is so neat to know how far they have come and to watch them hit all of the mile stones that are so important in their lives. They have been renamed in honor of my favorite movie, Fried Green Tomatoes,. My little boy is Buddy and my little girl is Idgy. They do everything together. They even go in the litter box together. I am still trying to find homes for both of them but for now they are a wonderful part of my family. Pictures to come!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Babies Needing Homes

Chunky monkey and Meowmer will need a furever home once they are old enough. They are about 2 weeks now.

First day

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Niko baby- R.I.P

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Coco cleanin the babies like a good "mama"

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Meowmer lovin his bottle

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Chunky Monkey lovin her bottle

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Tiny my runt baby- R.I.P

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I got a mother's day present early this year. The day before mother's day, I heard the cry of a baby kitten coming from the woods behind my house. I thought I would find one baby probably lost but little did I realize that I would find 4 babies only 8 days old laying in a ditch next to a paper bag all alone. The cry I heard was coming from the runt, the smallest yet loudest baby of the bunch. I didnt think twice I scooped up the babies and too them to the vet to find outh their age and how much to feed them. So I instantly had 4 infants for mother's day. Day and night, feedings every two hours, washing them so they would go to the bathroom, and picking fleas was not enough to save 2 of them. I lost my runt baby first ,Tiny, and the next to smallest next, Niko.  Im lucky enough to have a job that lets me bring them to work with me and a husband that hasent thrown them out of the house considering we have 5 animals of our own already. We buried the babies in my roses, my favorite flowers, and if it hadent been for Tiny's cries, none of his siblings would have made it. Their death is not gonna be in vain. The two babies left are doing great and getting all fat and more mobile everyday. If anyone has ever wondered why animals need our help more than ever, its because of people like the piece of trash that dumped these babies. They could have chosen to take them to any of the three vets within a mile of where they were dumped but they chose not to. Whether you are a dog person or cat person should not dictate how you treat the opposite, animals are animals. I do not and will  not put up with the mistreatment of animals no matter the species. If you dont want babies, spay or neuter your pet. If an accident happens and babies are born, find a vet or a local individual that would take them and care for them for you. Only a coward mistreats animals, Id like to see someone try to do to me what they did to these babies, do it to someone that can fight back. If anyone gets in a tight spot I am here to help, all you need to do is ask.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Best Feeling Ever

Have you ever had a dream? A goal? Something that you wanted more than anything but it felt so far out of reach you never thought it would ever happen? This is mine. This crazy, messy, fun, slobbery (lol) buisness of pet sitting. As i was walking around and passing out cards, and telling people about what I do, i was hoping so hard that it would take off. Well the past couple of weeks it finally has! im so excited and there is no greater feeling than knowing that there are some babies missing their owners and that i get to make them feel better, im the one that gets to comfort and play with them.  Anyone who knows me, knows that i hate getting up first thing in the morning, i love my sleep, but something about loving what i do makes all the difference in the world. I am excited to get up and go see the babies, walk them, and just make sure they are ok. I guess the best way to describe it is, once someone hands me their keys and their trust, those babies become my kids until the owners are back home. its such a great feeling to know that my dream is finally becoming a reality.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The South

I had the best day the other day. It had started to warm up outside finally. I am from Savannah so when it gets warm, it gets hot (laughing). I knew that groundhog day had come and gone but I never really pay attention to that lil bugger, hes not MY sign of summer I have my own.  So my husband had just gotten fired from his job and we were both job hunting, so after dropping off Lily at daycare we headed up to South Carolina to try to find something, anything. Now for those of you that don't know, down here we have all kinds of critters from alligators to sand gnats and no see ums. Well there is an abundance of all of these but my favorite is the alligators. They are the biggest, most dangerous things ever but they fascinate me.

Alligators are big, quick, and mean but they are also very caring mothers and very agile in the water. In the Coastal south you can find them just about everywhere, even in ponds in some neighborhoods.  I am always on the look out for a big one up on the bank sunning. Well this particular day i got my sign that things were going to keep getting warmer. I saw 2 alligators laying completely out of the water just enjoying the sun. Why does this mean warm weather? Because alligators have holes or dens under the water where they stay when the weather is cold. So i say "who needs a groundhog when we have the biggest signs ever layin on the banks in the south."  Come visit savannah and the carolinas and come see some of these dinos that still live today, just watch where you swim....... they are sneaky! :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why I Do What I Do

OK, some people have asked me why in the world I want to pet-sit as a full time job.  Some see cats as dirty creatures that can make you sick; others see dogs as chewing, muddy animals that are more work than they are worth. When it comes to litter boxes, feeding, house training,etc., I guess that would be the "maintenance" part of it.  What I see when I look in the face of any animal is a child in need of someone to love them.  Think about it -- you have a child and s/he has to be fed and taught how to behave,  and potty trained. You also have to make sure he or she is healthy by taking him/her to the doctor and you have to give him or her lots of love to help him grow and be happy. So, why is it so bad that this is also needed for animals? That's where I come in. My job as your pet- sitter is to give love and attention and any other needs when you can't. There is no need to take off work or cancel your vacation. I come to your house, transport to vet visits, play with your animals, feed them, administer meds, and if you go out of town I can bring baby pets to my house and give them 24 hour care to work on potty training. If your pet is elderly, I offer special services for them as well. I know that there are many situations where your animals can determine your plans for you.  That no longer needs to happen. I have 4 cats and 1 dog of my own and I also have a dog living with me that belongs to my best friend. He lives in Atlanta and his job had basically started to take him away from her all day. She is 9 months old and she is still his; we just figured that I could take her on until his hours were back to normal. Now I can't do this for everyone but my point is that I will do everything in my power to help you and your pet live a long stress free life together. I service from Richmond Hill to Hilton Head. I also help rescuers transport animals when needed. I love meeting new people and their pets. If you have a pet or need some information on where you can adopt one or even if you have any other questions don't hesitate to contact me.  I'm also available for last minute jobs. Special services and pricing for military and elderly are available. I hope to meet you and your pets soon!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tucker the senior rescue pug!

We helped Mid-Atlantic Pug Rescue with Tucker, a senior foster pug who was heading from Chapel Hill, NC to his forever home in Florida.

We met the nice volunteer between Savannah and Hilton Head, and kept Tucker overnight before meeting up with his "forever family" the next morning!

He was such a sweet boy and is doing great in his new home!