Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Unconditional Love

I love how when I'm sick or having a bad day, all it takes is a kitten lick right on the nose to make it all better.  A lot of people don't understand how I live with a dog and 6 cats all in the house.  I have a very busy hectic household but I love every min of it. Cats running everywhere, my pooch trying to eat whatever scrap of food my daughter is holding and me trying to not trip over all of them while carrying a load of laundry through the house. I think if you have pets you understand how empty your house would feel without them.  Now don't get my words twisted, I'm not a hoarder nor does my house smell like animals. All my babies are spoiled and taken care of. They are fixed and have their shots, so don't take the amount of pets I have the wrong way please. I'm not adding anymore either so don't ask that either lol!  I think its amazing how no matter how crappy someone treats an animal, it still considers that person its master.  They trust completely, love unconditionally and all they want in return is the same.  If someone doesn't get how a pet is part of the family, they obviously have never felt the true love that a pet offers. Then again, would that type of person really deserve it? Probably not.


  1. Agree with your article we should try to give unstoppable love to our pet and keep them happy. i am impressed with your thinking about unconditional love for your pets.

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