Saturday, May 21, 2011


I got a mother's day present early this year. The day before mother's day, I heard the cry of a baby kitten coming from the woods behind my house. I thought I would find one baby probably lost but little did I realize that I would find 4 babies only 8 days old laying in a ditch next to a paper bag all alone. The cry I heard was coming from the runt, the smallest yet loudest baby of the bunch. I didnt think twice I scooped up the babies and too them to the vet to find outh their age and how much to feed them. So I instantly had 4 infants for mother's day. Day and night, feedings every two hours, washing them so they would go to the bathroom, and picking fleas was not enough to save 2 of them. I lost my runt baby first ,Tiny, and the next to smallest next, Niko.  Im lucky enough to have a job that lets me bring them to work with me and a husband that hasent thrown them out of the house considering we have 5 animals of our own already. We buried the babies in my roses, my favorite flowers, and if it hadent been for Tiny's cries, none of his siblings would have made it. Their death is not gonna be in vain. The two babies left are doing great and getting all fat and more mobile everyday. If anyone has ever wondered why animals need our help more than ever, its because of people like the piece of trash that dumped these babies. They could have chosen to take them to any of the three vets within a mile of where they were dumped but they chose not to. Whether you are a dog person or cat person should not dictate how you treat the opposite, animals are animals. I do not and will  not put up with the mistreatment of animals no matter the species. If you dont want babies, spay or neuter your pet. If an accident happens and babies are born, find a vet or a local individual that would take them and care for them for you. Only a coward mistreats animals, Id like to see someone try to do to me what they did to these babies, do it to someone that can fight back. If anyone gets in a tight spot I am here to help, all you need to do is ask.

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